Police, Northern Territory Emergancy Services, Hospitals,and Ambulance services in Darwin Northern Territory Australia
If your on our of clients visiting and travelling the
Darwin or if your one of our clients coming here to live and retire,
live and work then folks take a look at the excellent services
here to support you and your darwinian lifestyle whilst your here.
The Police in the community
Police in the community: Police carry out the full range of duties around Darwin and suburbs. There are three stations and administrative centre within the city bounds. www.nt.gov.au
The Peter McAulay Centre at Berrimah - contains the administrative and several specialist areas and is the communications centre for the Police, Fire and Emergency Services Tri-Service. http://www.pfes.nt.gov.au/
Headquarters, Darwin Police Station - is in the Central Business District and contains the watch house. http://www.pfes.nt.gov.au/
The Casuarina Station - on Bradshaw Terace near the banks behind the Casuarina Shopping centre next to the banks. http://www.pfes.nt.gov.au/
The Nightcliff Police Station - on the side of the Nightcliff Markets area - not sure on the current opening status 2024.
Telephone 000 for emergancies. If your enquiry is not of a emgancy nature then consider ringing the nearest station to you. Telstra directory Assistance on 1223
NTES - Police, Fire and Emergency Services Tri-Service.
Headquarters -
Police, Fire and Emergency Services Tri-Service. Headquarters
is also situated at the Peter McAulay Centre at Berrimah.
NTES Volunteer Units also developed from Civil Defence origins. Volunteer members are registered under the provisions of the Disasters Act and support their communities through training and preparing to respond to specific emergency situations identified in the local counter disaster plan. In some communities, where the establishment of a formal volunteer unit is impractical, registered volunteers are trained and equipped for limited response capability in support of the Local Counter Disaster Controllers (OICs). There are currently 26 formally registered volunteer units and 11 emergency response groups within the Northern Territory.
Personal Note: On The NTES
I have had staff (Mark very dedicated chap) who were members of the NTES and I must say they really are dedicated - As we live in a cyclonic area we don't realise how inportant these ladies and men are till the day a cyclone visits us. If you wish to join here is the offical web site. www.nt.gov.au
Fire Stations
Fire & Rescue Service-Fire Station (Parap/Woolner)
This is the outback where you don't just rescue cats from a tree.
Royal Darwin Hosptial (Public)
Tel: +61 (08) 8922 8888 - +61 (08) 8922 8286
Email: rdh.ths@nt.gov.au
Rocklands Drive, Tiwi PO Box 41326, Casuarina NT 0811
Largely due to the remoteness, scattered population and the
absence of alternative health care providers, Northern Territory
public hospitals have had to provide numerous non acute services
to their communities.
Darwin Private hospital
Rocklands Drive Casuarina NT 0810 Australia
Tel: +61 (0)8 8920-6011
Actually it's the first hostip[al as you drive in on
the left. Now for our motorhome clients parking can be limited
even with their large carparks- you may have to go up a bit
Signage: Is is everwhere to get you to the
St John Ambulance Northern Territory
Did you know - St John Ambulance Northern Territory
at Events offers Emergency First Aid Services ? providing first
aid service at public events and during emergencies throughout
St Johns
Sport Therapists, Traditional Medicine
Practicioners, Chiropractic Centres
Being on the doorstep to Asia we have an abundance
of Traditional Medicine Practicioners
Also we have the more known professionals of Sport Therapists,
Chiropractic Centres in Darwin.
Telstra directory Assistance on - Teleohone 1223 or find a local
Yellow Pages. Or ask the nearest folks to you when in Darwin
One we often use is Nightcliff Chrioractic centre Tel +61(0)
8 89853144
Another we heer about is this one pictured right on vanderlin
Drive near Casuarina Shopping Centre.
Doctors: Fannie Bay Medical Clinic at Fannie Bay Shopping Centre. 5km from CBD. He always cracks a joke yet within 30 seconds always has the answer to an aliment it seems. Extremeley booked out but he has other doctors there such as Dr. Sarah Giles and a few other great medical professionals. Even done to the friendly counter staff such as Lynn.
Fannie Bay Medical Clinic, Fannie Bay Shopping
Tel 89 413 729
Dentist: Nightcliff Dental Surgery has friendly reception and a great dentist from our experience. Actually situated where the Nightcliff Markets is located. 8-9 km from CBD
Nightcliff Dental Surgery
6 Pavonia Place
NIGHTCLIFF NT 0810 - More...
Tel: 08 89851668
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