Darwin city | visiting Darwin | travel guide to tropical Darwin Northern Territory Australia

  • Darwin Esplanade Credits M Christie


    Last known Contacts pre Covid

    Darwin Honorary Consul Consulates in Northern Territory Australia

    Darwin is the capital city of Northern Territory Australia. Visiting and need a Darwin Honorary Consul Consulate
    Last Known Address To Us

    Consulate of Republic of Indonesia - Darwin
    Honorary Consul: Harbangan Napitupulu
    Postal: 20, Harry Chan Avenue, Northern Territory 0801Darwin, Australia
    Tel: +61-8 8943 0200 Fax: +61-8894-12709
    Email: kridrw@indoconsdarwin.org.au

    Honorary Consulate of Poland - Darwin
    Honorary Consul: Mr. Keith Aitken
    Postal: PO Box 37719 Winnellie NT 0821
    E-mail: noumea@bigpond.com
    Tel: +61 (0) 411652 342 +61-8 8931 1966 Fax: +61-88932 3421)

    Honorary Consulate of France - Darwin
    Honorary Consul: Mme Zoe Marcham
    Tel: +61-8 8941 2553 Fax: +61-88941 2553 Email:consul.darwin@ambafrance-au.org
    Alliance Française of Darwin
    Tel: +61-8 8948 3078

    Honorary Consulate of Finland - D a r w i n
    Honorary Consul: Mr. John Neill
    Postal:> GPO Box 330 DARWIN NT 0801
    Tel: +61-8-8981 2971 Fax: +61-8- 8946 2937
    E-mail: johnneill@wardkeller.com.au

    Vice Honorary Consulate of Italy - Darwin. (Depending on Consulate in Brisbane)
    Vice Console: Mr Carlo Randazzo
    Postal: PO Box 551 Darwin NT 0801
    Tel: +61-8-8941 6396 Fax: +61-8-8941 5353
    E-mail: randproperties@octa4.net.au

    Honorary Consulate of Hellenic Republic - Darwin.
    Honorary Consul: Giorgos Kapetas
    Postal: G.P.O. Box 2151, Darwin N.T. 0801, Australia
    Tel: +61-8-89513308 - Fax: +61-8-89812375

    Honorary Consulate of Belgium - Darwin
    Honorary Consul: Mr Simon Lee
    Postal: >GPO Box 4369, Darwin NT 0801.
    Tel: +61-8 89824700/24Fax: +61-889411541 Email:simonlee@bigpond.com

    Honorary Consulate of Germany - Darwin
    Honorary Consul: Britta Decker
    Contact: GPO Box 1767, Darwin NT 0801
    Email: britta@agentur.com.au
    Tel: 08-89812010
    Mobile: 0417-875901
    Skype me: brittaagentur fax: 08-89422150

    Honorary Consulate of Greece - Darwin
    Honorary Consul General: John Anictomatis
    Postal:GPO Box 48, Darwin N.T. 0801, Australia>
    Tel: +61-8 8981 7979Fax: +61-88981 6990
    Email: janictomatis@yahoo.com.au

    Honorary Consulate of Britain - Darwin
    Honorary Consul General: Ms Jeanette Anictomatis
    Postal: GPO Box 48, Darwin N.T. 0801, Australia
    Tel: +61-8 8941 6130 Fax: +61-88941 649
    Email: janictomatis@yahoo.com.au

    Honorary Consulate of Mexico - Darwin
    Honorary Consul: Mr. Saqib Awan
    Postal: GPO Box 3405, Darwin, 0801 NT
    Tel: +61-8 8947-0588 Fax: +61-8 8947-0769
    Email: sakibawan@gmail.com

    Honorary Consulate of Norway - Darwin
    Royal Norwegian Consulate: Mr. Arne Furre
    Postal:PO 35913, Winnellie NT 0821
    Tel: +61-8 89812460Fax: +61-88981 4164

    Honorary Consulate of Denmark - Darwin.
    Honorary Consul: Mr. Arne Furre
    Postal:PO 35913, Winnellie NT 0821
    Tel: +61-8 89812460 Fax: +61-88981 4164

    Honorary Consulate of Sweden - Darwin
    Honorary Consul: Hugh Bradley
    Postal: Consulate of Sweden c/o Ward keller Lawyers GPO Box 330 Darwin NT 0801 Australia Tel: +61-8 8946 2999 Fax: +61-8 8981 1253
    Email: chrisruxton@wardkeller.com.au