Darwin Deckchair Cinema in Darwin Northern
Territory Australia
The Deckchair Cinema in Darwin Northern Territory Australia
- Last we heard there were plans underway for this iconic location
to be redevelped as a hotel so check before going.
The Darwin Deckchair Cinema operates from mid April
to mid November each year due to the tropical wet summer season
that can occur in Darwin.
The Deckchair Cinema is located: End of Jervois Road, off Kitchener
Drive, Wharf Precinct, Darwin.
Directions. Down McMinn Street or Hughes Avenue and turn right
at Kitchener Drive.
Take another right turn at Jervois Road, where the Deckchair Cinema
sign is, and it’s about 100m ahead.
Excellent 'Free' parking is available in the cinema
carpark in Jervois Road.
You can also park on the Esplanade and walk along the Damoe Ra
pathway down the stairs to the cinema.
This car park als has suitable room for our motorhome clients
though you must get there very early so you can park with ease.
Deckchair Cinema / Darwin Film Society
GPO Box 3008 Darwin 0801
Northern Territory Australia
Program Information: (08) 8981 0700 T: (08) 8941
4377 F: (08) 8981 9755
E: info@deckchaircinema.com
Walking from the Smith Street Mall to the Deckchair
Cinema then take the Damoe
Ra pathway from the Esplanade.
Recently upgraded, this route is direct and well lit with harbour
Safety - Late at night always walk with a friend anywhere.
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