Darwin in Northern Territory Australia
Entertainment In Darwin | Browns Mart Live
Theatre & Stage Shows | Brown's Mart in Darwin Northern Territory
Brown's Mart in Darwin Northern Territory Australia:
Brown's Mart Community Arts, Cinemas, Theatres in Darwin, Northern
Territory Australia: Is situated on Lot 6569(A) Town of Darwin,
Wharf end of Smith Street, opposite the Town Hall Ruins. A simple
rectangular stone (local porcellanite) building with corrugated
galvanised iron hipped gabled roof. Note that the building was
damaged in the cyclones of 1897 and 1974 and reconstructed/modified
to acccommodate the new theatre after the latter. History of Brown's
Mart and the offical site for browns Mart is Browns
Brown's Mart in Darwin: Major events link information
8981 5522 or email venue@brownsmart.com.au.